Northern California Attractions] What to do in Old Sacramento? Day Trip Organizers | California State Capitol | Old Sacramento

Sacramento | Introduction

Sacramento is the capital and seat of the state of California, and the city is often a stopover on our driving trips in Northern California, from the Bay Area as close as Lake Tahoe, or as far asMt ShastaThe Oregon.Crater Lake National Park,PortlandIt's a place we pass through and is often a stopover for us. What can I do if I want to spend half a day or two in the neighborhood? Sacramento's history dates back to the Gold Rush, and as the seat of California's state government, there are plenty of attractions to visit in the city.

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Attractions | California State Capitol

Sacramento's views are centered on theCalifornia State LegislatureNearby, it is Sacramento's most famous landmark and the center of California's state government. The State Capitol is considered to be the most ornate state capitol building in the country. It is an ornate neo-classical structure built in the late 19th century with many beautiful art deco interiors, and the State Capitol Park outside is also very beautiful. Sacramento is a cleaner and more organized city than San Francisco or Los Angeles, and still has a multicultural atmosphere.

The State Capitol building itself is free, and there are free educational tours on the history of California and the workings of the state legislature. As we entered the building, we encountered many elementary school students who came to teach outside of school. the history of Sacramento dates back to the Gold Rush, when gold was discovered in a California creek in 1848, leading to a gold rush and an influx of people seeking their fortune. the city of Sacramento was incorporated in 1849, and as the city continued to grow around 1850, it became the center of California's economy. Around 1850, as the city grew and became the political and economic center of California, the U.S. government planned to create the 31st state of California, and in 1854, Sacramento officially became the capital of California.

There are many parts of the State Capitol to visit, including the State House and Senate Chambers, with a statue of Abraham Lincoln on one side and a statue of Washington on the other. There is also the Governor's office, the legislator's office, the Speaker's office, etc. There is also an oversized safe where the state government used to store tax money. If you're interested in history, there are many interesting places. The state government buildings were used to house refugees during the San Francisco earthquake, and many of them still have remnants of that history.

Attractions | Old Sacramento

Just a short distance from the state capitol is the well-preserved 19th century river port area known as Old Sacramento, an old town district along the Sacramento River where thousands of gold miners and merchants stayed during the gold rush. Today, this area preserves the history and culture of the pioneering West, and the state has designated 28 acres of the neighborhood as a "Sacramento River".Historic Preservation AreasThere are also many well-preserved old buildings around the streets, including cafes, stores, museums and restaurants. Spending half a day here is like getting a small taste of what life was like for the early pioneers of the West.

The Grand Plaza near the railroad tracks is quaint, and the buildings in the vicinity are significant historical structures, such as the Eagle Theatre, California's first theater, and the Tehama Block, which was an important business meeting place in the 1850s. If you have enough timeRailroad MuseumExhibits related to the history of the California Railroad, including a number of restored trains, conveyances, and other railroad equipment, showcase the history and culture of American railroading and are a must-see in the Old Town area.

Sacramento has an important place in the history of American railroads. At the beginning of the 19th century, California was a relatively isolated region with a remote, sparsely populated, and inaccessible area, and in 1862, with the development of the Gold Rush, Sacramento became the terminus of the first east-west Central Pacific Railroad in the U.S., marking the beginning of the railroad connection between the East and West. Since then, many railroads have come to Sacramento, making it the center of California's railroad network, and at one time Sacramento's railroad system was one of the busiest and most modern in the United States.

The old train station outside is still in operation, and you can take the old train for a tour of the Sacramento River, but it's only open on weekends, and the seats are divided into economy and first class. If it's not open, you can visit the old train depot next door.

Next, you can take a stroll to the old harbor next to the Sacramento River, which is a river port with a beautiful and bustling riverbank. The Old Delta King on the bank used to be a ferry, but now it has been converted into a hotel and restaurant.

Sacramento Cuisine


  • Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Price: $$

A&K BBQIt's a barbecue restaurant with large and solid portions. It's the happiest place to have meat to eat during a self-drive trip, and you can feed your family by taking it back to the hotel. The signature dish is Tri-tip with hot sauce, and you can order two side dishes, ours was potato salad and corn.

Magpie Cafe

  • Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Price: $$

This is a casual brunch in the city neighborhood. The first time I came here was just because Sacramento was a stopover on our journey, and this restaurant was conveniently located at that time, but I had the best salad I've ever eaten in my life here. The salad was the special dish of the day, with fresh vegetables and topped with crabmeat and shrimp, each bite was super moist and the chef's dedication was evident just by looking at the shape of the salad. Another dish, the Mushroom Sandwich, was also made with fresh ingredients. The menu changes with the seasons, so each time you visit, the menu may be different.

Further reading

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